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Perfect Google Maps in Article

Perfect Google Maps in Article 2.0.2

(0 رای)

Display any Google Map in any Article using 20+ themes, animations, and set all options of Google Map in article view without going to module options view.

نمایش ها 5,995 دانلودها 3
نسخه: 2.0.2 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 3 به روز رسانی در 1397-02-06
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Perfect Web external
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 5 EUR

Based on our experience with displaying content in lightbox, popup and slide-in from the edge of a page, we have created a brand new Google Maps in Article Plugin for Joomla!. You can embed any Google Map or Streetview in any article almost any way including lightbox, popup or accordion. What is more we can guaranty that this Google Map or Street View would correctly display in any article on a website no matter any future Joomla! updates or changes in Google Maps API which are quite frequent.

Our Google Maps in Article plugin is very easy to set up. The back-end of map integration module is accesible from Article View, so you can set up your Google Map while editing an article in the way which let’s you put map on your website in less than 5 minutes. Just open Google Maps in Article option window, put your adress in the map plugin field or pin your location on Google Maps window, than decide when do you want your map displayed and what animations should your users see while opening the map.
In the end you have to only put a shortcode in desired place in the WYSWIG.

You can display as many maps as you want on your website and each map can have different location pinned.

What is more you can use for example:
Map in Lighbox,
Map in Popup
Map in Accordion

Why do you need a map on your website?

If you are not sure if you need a map on your website note that many reasearch prove that showing your location on the map on your website helps to increase your credibility in eyes of your users. Moreover pinning your location on Google Map increases you marketing impact and SEO rating. Although the map should be easy to display for your visitors and also should not interfere with the content and layout. That’s why the most popular and effective way is to include map as pop up box with video or accordion with map. It lets your users see the map if they want but does not distract them.

Moreover you can customise your Google Maps plugin without changing the code. But if you want to it is easy because we keep code organised and fully commented.

Google Maps in Article features

  • Set location on the Google Map and destination by pining it on the Google Maps
  • Set location and destination on the Google Maps by giving latitude and longitude for marker
  • Set marker title and info of Google Maps
  • Set size of the Google Map
  • Set travel mode according to which the Google Map should be displayed
  • Choose colour of the map background
  • Advanced zoom controls making using the map easier
  • Keyboard controls making navigating through Google Maps much easier
  • Google Map type control
  • Overview map control
  • Pan control of the Google Map
  • Rotate control of the Maps
  • Google Maps scale control
  • Scrollwheel making zooming the map easier
  • Street view control making Google Map integration more attractive for your users

General module features

  • Display Google Map in any article using shortcode
  • Set all options of Google Map in article view without going to module options view
  • Edit module in article view**
  • Position of tab at: left, right, top, bottom page edge or static.
  • Vertical or horizontal toggler tab in left and right position.
  • Icon for toggler tab from: module gallery, image manager or IcoMoon.
  • Set custom colours and size in module configuration.
  • Show rounded or squared corners and shadow.
  • Set custom toggler tab name.
  • Unlimited number of tabs on one page.
  • Multiple module positions and animations
  • Select effect of Slide-in Box and duration.
  • Auto-open on page load or on scroll.
  • Auto-open on exit - when mouse pointer goes above top edge of page (experimental, not always works in IE 7-8).
  • Auto-open limit count - open for first X-times after page refresh and selected event.
  • Auto-open delay - if not opened earlier by user.
  • Auto-close delay - if not closed earlier by user.
  • Close other Perfect-Web boxes when opening another one.
  • Open Box with menu item, image or link.
  • Google Analytics Tracking Page View or Event after first click of tab.
  • Google AdWords and Microsoft adCenter Conversion Tracking.
  • Supports RTL (right to left) languages, automatically switch module position from left to right page edge

Google Maps in Article Support

If you need any support for Perfect Google Maps in Article please click "Support" button and ask question through a support form on our website. We will be happy to help you with any extension related problem and we will solve your problems with Google Maps really quickly.

Google Maps in Article Documentation

We are currently working for documentation for Perfect Google Maps in Article. Soon you will be able to read it on our webiste. While we working on it, don;t hesitate to contact our support. It will solve your problem much faster than reading Google Maps in Article documentation.

Google Maps in Article Compatibility

  • Google Map integration uses HTML5 & CSS3
  • Google Maps supports all modern browsers, IE9+, and even partly IE7-8
  • Google Maps in Article is mobile ready & responsive
  • Google Map in Article supports RTL

Google Map in Article Translations

Google Map Integration backend in available in English only. You can easily translate both front end and backend to every language you need.

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