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Company Vacancy Tool

Company Vacancy Tool 1.0.4

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Does your business or organization post alot of job listings. Do you subsequently have tons and tons of CVs/Resumes to go through and vet? Company Vacancy Tool is a Joomla component that allows you to fully automate and facilitate the hiring process of any job listings. Its features allow you to comprehensively manage the whole hiring process from creating the form that you want prospective employees to fill out to posting a job listing to reviewing the CVs/Resume and scheduling interviews, to finally vetting the CVs/Resume’s, eliminating the failed applicants & hiring the perfect candidate.

This is a great tool for any type of business who usually has job vacancies they want to fill.

نمایش ها 6,900 دانلودها 7
نسخه: 1.0.4 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1399-10-16
توسعه دهنده Matamko
مجوز GNU/GPL external قيمت 19 $ EUR

Main Features:

Dynamic CV/Resume Form:
The CV/Resume Form is what the prospective employer fills out when wanting to post for a certain job position. We understand that every job position requires different sets of information requested by the employer. This is where the dynamic Dynamic CV/Resume Form comes in handily. This feature allows the creation, management, editing and deleting of the fields that would make up this CV/Resume Form. You can add and/or delete any fields that you think is information that you need to know about the prospective employee.

Automated Notifications:
Image you have a hundred or more applicants for a job position you had posted but only have 2 slots to fill. This feature allows you to send mass notifications to all applicants who have failed the application process with one simple click. This feature is a time saver. There are also error notifications for when the selected actions are unperformable.

Managment of Hiring Process:
The hiring process for any job can sometimes be a lengthy and monotonous process, specially if your receiving more then 100++ applicants for a single position. From reviewing the CV to, vetting the applicants, to scheduling an interview, to finally, hiring or rejecting the applicant, there are multiple steps involved in the hiring process, and depending on the position, each step can vary from position to position. This is why Company Vacancy Tool has given you full management capabilities at each step of the hiring process. It allows you to record notes and make comments at each step. And whatever action you take whether its asking the applicant in for an interview, rejecting the application, or hiring the applicant, the system will update the status of the application process for each applicant and will send out emails or notifications regarding your actions to every relevant personnel involved in the hiring process. This also include such features as:

  • Set interview date, rate and comment on candidates.
  • Notify candidates of interview date.

Job Listing Managment:
Create and management job listings as go. Job listings can be edited while they have already been publish.

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