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Code Pack (5 plug-ins)

Code Pack (5 plug-ins) 1.0.2

(0 رای)

This Pack contains code field plugins to add custom PHP code on some events/triggers and custom CSS and JS.

نمایش ها 6,220 دانلودها 19
نسخه: 1.0.2 ايجاد شده
سيستم Joomla 2.5 & 3 به روز رسانی در 1395-04-02
وب سايت صفحه نخست external توسعه دهنده Octopoos external
مجوز GNU/GPL external 0 EUR
  • Add Code Before Render
  • Add Code Before Store
  • Add Code After Store
  • Add Code CSS
  • Add Code JS

Creates a Code field to add some custom code.

The Code Before Render plugin field allows you to add some custom PHP code which will be executed  just before render a content. If you assign this field on admin or site form this code will be executed before to render the form. If you assign this field on intro or content view this code will be executed before to render the content.

The Code Before Store plugin field allows you to add some custom PHP code which will be executed  just before to store a content. It concerns only admin and site form view.

The Code After Store plugin field allows you to add some custom PHP code which will be executed  just after to store a content. It concerns only admin and site form view.

Code Before Render, Code Before Store and Code After Store have an option to add code directly in a textarea or to call any PHP file. In this last case you must fill the relative path of the PHP file such as "plugins/cck_field/upload_image/includes/image_validation.php".

Example of PHP code:

<p>if( trim( $fields['seb_ge_image_map_code']->value ) ){</p><p>$fields['art_title']->typo = '';</p><p>$fields['art_title']->value = '';</p><p>}</p>

Concerning Code CSS and JS plugin fields just add your custom code in the textarea of the field. Working on any SEBLOD views.

Of course all this field plugins don't have any storage. So the storage is set to none.

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