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Art Data

Art Data 2.3.1

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Art Data makes it easier than ever to visualize data on a Joomla 3.x web page. Art Data allows you to create 2 types of tables and 12 types of charts. Custom templates can be created to control the look of your tables and charts. Quickly populate a table or chart using our built in dataset spreadsheet or you can load a dataset from SQL Query, HTML or CSV file. Add multiple visualizations on the same page to create cool, custom dashboards without knowing any code!

Views 8,559 Downloads 56
Version 2.3.1 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2024-03-05
Website JED external Developer Artetics external
License GNU/GPL external Price 20 $ EUR

Let's Tour Art Data

1. Visualizations

Data visualizations are defined as "the creation and study of the visual representation of data, meaning 'information that has been abstracted in some schematic form, including attributes or variables for the units of information'".

The 'visualizations' view is where you will configure your chart or table's basic options such as 'What type of visualization is this going to be? Table or Chart?', 'What type of Table or Chart?,' 'What template would you like to use with this visualization?', 'What dataset would you like to use to populate the visualization?'. You get the picture. The visualization is what ties everything together.


  • Create 'Static Table' - a basic table without sorting, filtering or pagination
  • Create 'Dynamic Table' - a table with sorting, filtering, and pagination
  • Populate table with custom dataset - SQL Query, HTML, CSV file
  • Populate table with SQL Query for the following databases: MySQL - Joomla Database, MySQL - Other Database, PostgreSQL, MSSQL (mssql extension), MSSQL (sqlsrv extension), Oracle, Access, SQLite, Firebird, Informix, Foxpro, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, Netezza, LDAP, ODBC, ODBTP
  • Use the string {JOOMLAUSERID} in your SQL Query to add the logged in user's user_id to your query.
  • Populate table with ArtData dataset - use the quick, easy 'data' view to create a dataset by entering your data into a convenient spreadsheet-like application.
  • Completely style your table with a custom theme using the 'templates' view
  • Restrict table access level
  • Show or hide table title
  • Convert links and images automatically or by pattern
  • Use rel="nofollow" on links
  • Open links in a new window


  • Create 'Bar Chart'
  • Create 'Line Chart'
  • Create 'Area Chart'
  • Create 'Stacked Bar Chart'
  • Create 'Stacked Area Chart'
  • Create 'Pie Chart'
  • Create 'Percent Bar Chart'
  • Create 'Percent Area Chart'
  • Create 'Donut Chart'
  • Create 'Step Up Bar Chart'
  • Create 'Polar Area Chart'
  • Create 'Waterfall Chart'
  • Charts load with cool data population animation
  • Populate chart with custom dataset - SQL Query, HTML, CSV file
  • Populate chart with SQL Query for the following databases: MySQL - Joomla Database, MySQL - Other Database, PostgreSQL, MSSQL (mssql extension), MSSQL (sqlsrv extension), Oracle, Access, SQLite, Firebird, Informix, Foxpro, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, Netezza, LDAP, ODBC, ODBTP
  • Populate chart with ArtData dataset - use the quick, easy 'data' view to create a dataset by entering your data into a convenient spreadsheet-like application.
  • Completely style your chart with a custom theme using the 'templates' view
  • Restrict chart access level
  • Show or hide chart title
  • Control chart orientation - horizontal or vertical
  • Set chart title
  • Set chart sub-title
  • Set horizontal axis label
  • Set horizontal axis sub-label
  • Set vertical axis label
  • Set vertical axis sub-label
  • Toggle chart download
  • Set chart download label

2. Templates

The 'templates' view is where you can customize nearly everything about the way a table or chart looks including color palette, responsive width %, class modifiers, text alignment, padding, border and more. Art Data allows you to customize pretty much everything about the look of the data visualization. Templates you create can be added to a visualization to easily apply a certain style.

You don't need to have any CSS knowledge whatsoever to use our template builder to style a table or chart template.


  • Create, edit 'template' for a table - style everything about your table
  • Set table class modifiers - condensed, striped, hover
  • Customize table header styles - text align, padding, font size, font weight, text color, border
  • Customize table cell styles - text align, padding, border, striped background color
  • Customize search filter input - height, width, padding, background, border, border radius, text color as well as onfocus styles
  • Customize search filter button - padding, background, text color, border
  • Customize active pagination - background, text color
  • Customize non-active pagination - background, text color
  • Customize focus & hover pagination - background, text color


  • Create, edit 'template' for a chart - style everything about your chart
  • Control main chart background, opacity, width and height
  • Set axis lines color
  • Toggle tick marks
  • Set tick mark interval
  • Set axis padding
  • Control chart color palette

3. Data

The 'data' view is where you can create a dataset by entering your data into a web spreadsheet application that is built right into Art Data. The data view was specifically created for the purpose of easy data population because not everyone knows how to write an SQL Query. Create datasets specifically for tables or if you're using a chart then you can select either single series data or multiple series data. Formatting data for populating a visualization has never been easier.

  • Create, edit 'dataset' for a table or chart
  • For chart datasets choose between single series data or multi series data
  • Enter your data into easy spreadsheet
  • Create spreadsheet rows, columns
  • Remove spreadsheet rows, columns
  • Preview how a dataset will look when it populates a visualization

4. Deploying a Visualization on your Joomla Site

Art Data consists of a component, module, and plugin so you can deploy a table or chart on your site in whatever way you prefer.


The component administrator is for creating and managing your visualizations. One way to deploy a visualization on the front end is to create a new menu item of type 'Art Data Visualization'. This will use the component output to display your table or chart and using this method the visualization will be the main part of the webpage.


Another way to deploy a visualization is to use the content plugin. Using this method you can write [artdata id="1"] using the shortcode provided for you in the component administrator and you can put this shortcode anywhere on your site and it will be transformed into a visualization.


The last way to deploy a visualization is to use the module. Simply create a new module instance and select the visualization you'd like to display from the module administrator area, select a template position where you'd like the table or chart to show up and you're done. Three great ways to deploy an Art Data Visualization on your Joomla 3.x site.

art-data-dataset-multiseries2 art-data-dataset-table3 art-data-dynamic-table-step14 art-data-dynamic-table-step25 art-data-dynamic-table-step36 art-data-dynamic-table-step47 art-data-templates-list-charts8 art-data-templates-list-tables9
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7 years ago
une licence svp
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Joomla! Share
Joomla! Share
7 years ago
Hi, we do not provide license. this extension do not need license for working. it is needed just for update.
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