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Perfect Acymailing in Everyway

Perfect Acymailing in Everyway 2.0.3

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Up-to-date Acymailing Extension that displays Acymailing using 20+ themes, animations, and visual effects including lightbox and popup.

Views 6,231 Downloads 21
Version 2.0.3 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2018-04-25
Website JED external Developer Perfect for Joomla external
License GNU/GPL external Price 5 EUR

Highlighting the most important content with our Flexi Extension will help you to get your voice heard, and reach out to your users with the message that matters most.

Based on our experience with displaying content in lightbox, popup and slide-in from the edge of a page, we have created a brand new Acymailing Extension for Joomla!. You can display any Acymailing in almost any way. What is more we can guaranty that this Acymailing would correctly display on a website no matter any future Joomla! updates or changes in Acymailings.

Perfect Acymailing in Everyway consist of a plugin to display any Acymailing on your website and a module to show this article in a fancy lightbox, popup, slide-in from the edge of a page, or any other way.

Perfect Acymailing is very easy to set up. The backend of video player module is designed in the way which let’s you put the article in popup on your website in less than 5 minutes. Just pick the article on the Acymailing plugin backend, than decide where do you want your Acymailing displayed and what animations should your users see while opening the Acymailing in popup or any other way.

Why do you need a popup with article on your website?

If you are not sure if you need a popup with article on your website note that many reasearch prove that including a fancy way of displaying the most important content on your website helps your users to notice the article you would like to be noticed. Although the most important this underlined article should not interfere with the content and layout. That’s why the most popular and effective way is to underline the most important content is displayin it as pop up box with Acymailing or accordion with Acymailing. It lets your users read tje article if they want but does not distract them.

Moreover you can customise your player without changing the code. But if you want to it is easy because we keep code organised and fully commented.

Article Plugin features

  • Displaying selected Acymailing
  • Selecting any Acymailing
  • Preparing content with Joomla! Content Plugins

General module features

  • Position of tab idsplaying Acymailing at: left, right, top, bottom page edge or static.
  • Vertical or horizontal toggler tab displaying Acymailing in left and right position.
  • Icon for toggler tab displaying Acymailing from: module gallery, image manager or IcoMoon.
  • Set custom colours and size in module configuration.
  • Show rounded or squared corners and shadow.
  • Set custom toggler tab name.
  • Unlimited number of Acymailing tabs on one page.
  • Multiple module positions and animations
  • Select effect of Slide-in Box and duration.
  • Auto-open of Acymailing popup on page load or on scroll.
  • Auto-open of Acymailing popup on exit - when mouse pointer goes above top edge of page (experimental, not always works in IE 7-8).
  • Auto-open of Acymailing limit count - open for first X-times after page refresh and selected event.
  • Auto-open of Acymailing delay - if not opened earlier by user.
  • Auto-close of Acymailing delay - if not closed earlier by user.
  • Close other Perfect-Web boxes when opening another one.
  • Google Analytics Tracking Page View or Event after first click of tab.
  • Google AdWords and Microsoft adCenter Conversion Tracking.
  • Supports RTL (right to left) languages, automatically switch module position from left to right page edge
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