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OSE Anti-Virus

OSE Anti-Virus 6.0.3

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An Ajax powered Anti-Virus Joomla component that helps you to scan malicious codes in the files on your server.

Views 8,729 Downloads 43
Version 6.0.3 Created
System Joomla 2.5 & 3 Changed 2020-03-11
Developer Open Source Excellence external
License GNU/GPL external Price 50 $ EUR
  1. Scans web virus (e.g. hacking codes, shell codes, iframe injections) in PHP, HTML, Javascripts, Text files, etc. on your server, specifically, professional in scanning Gumblar.cn and Martuz.cn codes.
  2. If Gumblar.cn and Martuz.cn is found, it will give options to remove the codes automatically if your server allows write access to the files.
  3. Not only scans files in the Joomla system, but also scans files of other system that are installed in the same server.
  4. You can customize the web virus definitions to improve the detecting power of the tool!

Technical features:

  1. The component is an open source software. You can add your own virus definition codes to the kernel to fit your requests and improve the scanning power.
  2. This software can scan various web viruses on your server and supports most of the types of files on the server including PHP, HTML, Javascripts, etc. You can easily configure which types of files to scan under settings. In addition, The component is installed under the Joomla! system, while it’s competent to scan all files on the server even under the different systems.
  3. The scanning and cleaning which is a two-step process is convenient and controllable. After the scanning process, the software will provide a list including all suspicious files and the type of the malicious codes. You can opt to clean some or all of the altered files from the list and it will provide a final report for the cleaning result. The malicious codes will be striped and sanitized and it won’t impact the normal running of your websites.
  4. One-click restore function. The software will store the original files in a quarantine folder after cleaning the malicious codes for the need of restore. If you believe the Anti-Virus reports some false positives, you can easily restore the files b
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